Autumn Amelia
Hi! I'm Autumn Amelia. I live with Eileen O'Finlan. She thinks she's my mom. Apparently, no one has told her that I'm a cat and she isn't. It's okay. I understand why she wants to be a cat. Who wouldn't? Anyway, I'll use this page to let you know all about my adventures, my friends, fun cat stuff, and, oh yeah, that book Mom (she likes it when I call her that) wrote called All the Furs and Feathers: Book 1 in the Cat Tales Series. I'm in the book. She writes other books, too, but the one I'm in is the best. Smokey is in it, too. She'd write to you, but she's at the Rainbow Bridge. So it's just me. Believe me, I'm more than enough.
I won!
My column in Mom's monthly newsletter (also called The Cat's Corner) has won a Certificate of Excellence from the Cat Writers Association!
But, wait. I write that column, so why isn't my name on the certificate?
If you want to read my award-winning column every month, sign up for Mom's newsletter at the bottom of the screen.
I'll bet you'd love see my kitten pictures. I was adorable. I still am, but as a kitten - oh my!
Looking out the window
Sleepy kitten
Me with my big sister, Smokey
I love birthdays and Christmas